Bongo Rx A SLEEP APNEA THERAPY DEVICE— for anytime and anywhere

Frequently asked questions for Bongo RX
Q1. What types of patients may benefit from Bongo Rx?
• Non-compliant with CPAP and looking for a user-friendly option
• Compliant with CPAP, but are looking for a supplemental therapy option for use while traveling, camping, at home, or any place electricity may not be available.
• Newly diagnosed mild to moderate OSA patients without significant co-morbidities.
Q2. How does Bongo Rx work?
The Bongo Rx has soft nasal seals that seal within the nasal openings. During inhalation, small valves open to allow you to breathe normally through the device. During exhalation, the valves close directing exhaled air through specifically designed vent holes to generate EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure), which keeps the airway open until you inhale again.
Q3. Has the Bongo Rx been clinically tested?
Yes, clinical testing was conducted to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the Bongo Rx and testing was reviewed by the FDA. Results demonstrated that the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) was significantly reduced while using the Bongo Rx compared to the patients' baseline diagnostic. There were no serious adverse events.
Q4. How is Bongo Rx different than Provent?
While both devices produce EPAP, there are several key differences. The Bongo Rx has soft, silicone nasal seals instead of an adhesive seal. It is also reusable. Bongo Rx acts as a nasal dilator. Bongo Rx comes in 4 different sizes. The Bongo Rx has both lower inspiratory and expiratory resistance.
Q5. Does the Bongo Rx need a prescription?
Yes, as all devices that treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) require a prescription in the U.S.
If you do not have a prescription, you can get one remotely from Sleep Medicine Specialists of California for $35. Click here to schedule an appointment today!
Q6. How do I determine the correct size for the Bongo Rx?
All patients should start with Part Number BNG500 (Bongo Rx All Sizes Starter Kit). This part includes one each of all 4 sizes (SM, MD, LG, and XL) and allows the patient to take their time at home finding the size that fits them best. This kit also includes a travel case, a drying stand, and a headgear.
Q7. What should a patient order when they need to replace their Bongo Rx?
Once a patient knows their preferred size and they have been using their original Starter Kit for up to 90 days, we recommend that they should then order one of the Annual Replenishment Packs, which include four Bongo Rx devices of a specific single size (either SM, MD, LG, or XL). Annual Replenishment Packs also include a new headgear.
Q8. Is Bongo Rx covered or reimbursed under insurance plans?
Bongo Rx, like many CPAP alternative devices, is not a covered item under medical insurance plans. Patients may be able to utilize their healthcare savings plan for the Bongo Rx so they should check with their insurance company.
Want to buy Bongo RX?
For starter kit, click here.
For Bongo RX Annual Replenishment Pack, click here.